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10/4/23 - You are invited to the Middleton Cross Plains Orchestra Boosters Welcome Meeting

Hello, Orchestra families!

On Wednesday, October 4, at 6:30pm in the MHS Orchestra Room (Room 1200) we are excited to hold the optional first meeting of the Middleton-Cross Plains Orchestra Boosters (MCPOB). By the fact that your student is enrolled in orchestra in grades 4-12, you are automatically a member of this support organization–welcome!

Our meeting on 10/4 is to begin to find parents who are interested in becoming an active part of the volunteer team that will support string music education in our school district. There are many opportunities to take part at whatever level you can handle. From a few hours total to a few hours per week, giving just your time to making use of special skills you have, at any grade level, we are excited to have our parents take an expanded role in providing the best musical experiences possible for your students.

Every parent interested in volunteering is invited to our gathering. If your schedule or inclinations mean that you cannot provide assistance this year, thank you for supporting your student.

Please take a few moments to fill out our ORCHESTRA BOOSTER INFO FORM It asks for your contact information and about your willingness to assist in these areas.

Some of the volunteer tasks we are looking to fill over the year include:

  • Members of the MCPOB Board

    • President

    • Vice President/Events Coordinator

    • Secretary/Communications

    • Treasurer

    • Public Relations/Advocacy Chair

    • Alumni/Historian Chair

    • Descriptions of these positions

  • Solo & Ensemble Assistance

    • Local at GCMS

    • Local at KMS

    • WSMA event at MHS (GCMS/KMS/MHS 6-12 parent)

  • Concert Assistance (any grade)

    • Traffic direction, light supervision, t-shirt distribution

  • Photography at concerts/events (any grade)

  • Fruit Sale Representative (MHS parent)

  • Sweet Sounds Fundraiser event (grades 6-12)

    • Everything from planning to set-up to serving

  • Program support

    • Assisting the teachers at school during the school day with copying and filing and such


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