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9/11/24 Orchestra Updates

Hi all!

Some slight adjustments:

1) MLB picked this game as a major game of the week (!) and moved the game time slightly earlier.  Will be aired on FOX Sports and they are expecting a large crowd.


ARRIVAL by 5:05 at the same spot listed

Plan departure/drive time accordingly.  Students are not excused from school that day unless you call them out.

2) I need to know ASAP who is coming, so please get signed up by the end of school on Thursday.  The Brewers really want to shore up our numbers.

3) If there are 1-2 parents who would be interested in hanging with the students as we warm up so you could take pictures/video before and during the performance, that would be super!  Please email me and let me know that you could fill that role.

4) I cannot arrange carpools for students, but I can provide possible ride connections.  If you are willing to take an extra student or 2, please drop me a note to let me know.

The rest, down below, is the same as before.  Links are hot--sign up to come root on the MHS Orchestra students and the Brewers!


TRANSPORTATION: Everyone must provide their own transportation or find a carpoolbuddy.  I need to have a full listing of who is coming and how arethey are arriving and how are they getting home.

All families: please complete THIS FORM for transport reasons.

TICKETS: MCPASD Families will be billed for requested tickets through MPP

Non-MCPASD families can either purchase tickets through an orchestra student (billed through MPP) or contact Mr. Kurr directly.

– Performers (or orch students not selected to play on-field) =  FREE– All others = $30

– Donations accepted!

DRESS: Last year’s Blue Orch Shirt on top, your choice on bottom. Brewers hat optional (no other hats allowed while we play)

MUSIC: Memorized–handed out in class and found in this Google folder

SIGN UP HERE YES OR NO Either way please!

Steve Kurr

Text 608-438-9784


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