Hi Orchestra families!
3 important items for the end of this week.
1) NUTCRACKER TWO WAYS is coming up on Tuesday 12/19. Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Winds, and 7 O'Clock Jazz Band perform. In order to cover the costs of the guest musicians and other incidental expenses, this is a ticketed event. Get your tickets now HERE.
2) WSMA Solo & Ensemble comes to MHS on Saturday 2/10/24. Check out this FAQ page about the event and student expectations--please read it through (no major changes from last year!). The most important thing: Each MHS Orchestra student is required to prepare a solo (with accompaniment) and an ensemble (trio, quartet, quintet) on their orchestra instrument. Further, the expectation is to perform these pieces. The easiest and best way to complete the performance aspect is through our S&E event. So, the event itself is not required, but a performance is. If a student chooses not to participate (or cannot because of scheduling conflicts), a different performance venue will need to be found.
Registration for S&E events happens now through Tuesday, 12/19, and happens through a Google Form (linked in the FAQ and also through QR Codes in the Music Dept). Please be prompt with the registration!
3) VIBRATO BOOKS Many students have expressed interest in learning more about Riding the Wave, using vibrato as a musical technique. I have purchased a large number of copies of Vibrato Basics, an excellent resource in print that also provides access to online instructional videos.
STUDENTS IN CARDINAL & SINFONIA: I strongly encourage all students in these 2 ensembles to purchase a copy of the book unless they are taking private instruction and have already worked to gain a solid vibrato technique.
STUDENTS IN SYMPHONY: I encourage any student who wants to increase their vibrato technique to opt for a book.
They cost $12 each and are available through MyPaymentsPlus (students on free/reduced lunch go through the process, but no money will be charged to you). If you are willing to help subsidize those families in need, please consider purchasing 2 or more books (if you indeed actually want more than 1 book, let me know!). As students purchase the books, I will hand them out in class.
Let me know of any questions you have and I hope to see you when you pick up your fruit this Saturday!